• Resolved raymond621


    Hi support

    Under settings, I have already checked show for everyone and everywhere. For some reason, the sales notification is only showing for logged in user. I have already clear cache but its not working somehow…

    Is there something I am missing?

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  • Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    ​Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    It seems you are using a caching plugin to minify your CSS and JS files. However, please download this Dev version plugin from here, install it and recheck. Hope it helps you.

    ​If still, notifications are not showing, please add this text to exclude from the CSS minify: /wp-content/plugins/notificationx/assets/public/css/frontend.css

    ​And recheck. I hope your issue will be fixed.

    ​Let us know how it goes. Thanks!

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    Is your above-mentioned issue get fixed? Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hi @raymond621, We’re closing this ticket as resolved. If you’re still facing any issues please open a new thread.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter raymond621


    After updating the plugin, popup won’t show again… I double checkewd if this is the case by installing the plugin from the link you provided and it worked. So what can I do about this?

    What I have not tested is to exclude /wp-content/plugins/notificationx/assets/public/css/frontend.css from being minified. I use litespeed cache and I don’t know how to not minify a single css file.

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    To exclude the URL from the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, go to LiteSpeed Cache > Cache > Excludes > Exclude Settings > Do Not Cache URIs and add the URL here: https://d.pr/i/lJbwsk, and save the changes.

    And retry once. Let us know how it goes.

    Thanks for your patience!

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    Hope you are doing well.
    Is your above-mentioned issue get fixed? Let us know the update. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Thread Starter raymond621


    I tried to exclude the the url path as you have suggested under litespeed cache but its not working. Notification is not popping up on mobile and desktop.


    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    We need to check this issue more deeply. Please contact our support team here.

    They will check and help you to fix the issue as soon as possible, don’t worry.

    Thanks for your patience!

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @raymond621,

    Hope you are doing well. ​Sorry for the late reply.
    ​We have already fixed your issue on your site. Please check once now and let me know how it goes.


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