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  • There’s no way for you to do that. Broswers won’t allow any sort of execution on users PCs like that – for very good reason.

    Imagine if you could run that command. That also means that any other person coudl run any other command as well. Would you want any webiste that you visit to have shell/terminal access to your computer?

    The example that you’ve linked to with NodeJS isnt applicable here. Node runs on the server, not in the browser, so it has permissions to do things like this. Normal JavaScript that runs in a users browser doesn’t.



    I’ve used this package a while ago. It parses User Agents, detects devices, clients and operating systems. It might worth checking it out.


    If you want to use node package, you will need to compile your script and use module bundlers to bundle all the dependencies, then enqueue the final script.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter jholiveira


    Thank you for you clarifications @catacaustic!

    Dear @mkarimzada, I will investigate your suggestions. I’m not a developer and clearly not acquainted with NPM or Composer. So, this might be a challenge! 🙂

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