• Resolved samuel88


    I use WordPress 5.3.6 and WP Console 2.1.0, and when I test code on console in developer tools I see that REST url is wrong


    This maybe can be the correct url with slash

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  • Plugin Author Edi Amin


    Hi @samuel88 Thanks for reporting the issue. Though I’m not able to reproduce the issue in my local, I suggest you to please update both WordPress and WP Console to latest versions. I’ve just updated the plugin to version 2.2.0 and hope your issue will go away.

    Thread Starter samuel88


    I upgrade WP Console to latest version (2.2.0) but wrong URL still remain.
    Maybe there is some wrong WordPress REST configurations that cause this issue, I will investigate.

    Plugin Author Edi Amin


    Closing this thread since last reply was from 2 months ago. Feel free to open it again anytime.

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