Support » Plugin: MailPoet - Newsletters, Email Marketing, and Automation » Resend confirmation email

  • Resolved vmpetsmart


    How to we resend confirmation in a click. It is very tedious to send re-confirmation email for every person simulataneously

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  • Plugin Author Bruna a11n


    Hi @vmpetsmart,

    Unfortunately, there’s no option to bulk-resend the confirmation email to all “Unconfirmed” subscribers. That would be a big risk if you had a high number of “Unconfirmed” subscribers with invalid email addresses (or from fake signups, for example), as all of the confirmation emails would bounce back and affect your deliverability and your account.

    The important thing here is to find out why you have so many “Unconfirmed” subscribers in the first place. Is this because the sending was not working when they signed up? Could these be fake signups coming from an unprotected form on your website? Or maybe these people changed their mind about subscribing and decided not to confirm their subscription?

    Hi i have the same problem. I have a user list in my wordpress list that have never recieved a confirmation email. Id like to use my wordpress user list and notify them when a new blogpost is up, but i have to send the optin confirmation email to all of them first. How do i do this the first time so i dont have to send to all 700 people?

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi @sgryto,

    You can enable sign-up confirmation to all new WordPress users with the following steps: The WordPress Users List – Sign-up Confirmation

    For existing users, if you want to invite them to subscribe to your newsletters, you’ll need to do this individually by following the steps here: How to resend the confirmation email?

    If you can ensure these are opted-in subscribers, it’s possible to export and re-import them to MailPoet and update their status to “Subscribed” when doing it. Kindly follow the guides below to learn how to do this: How to Export Subscribers from MailPoet & Importing Subscribers with CSV Files.

    Feel free to get back to us in case you have any additional questions!

    Is there a way to at least automate the confirmation emails to resend a few hours later if the user didn’t confirm their email the first time (and the first email didn’t bounce)? It would be very useful to have a way to do this instead of manually resending them to users individually.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @ag87,

    Is there a way to at least automate the confirmation emails to resend a few hours later if the user didn’t confirm their email the first time (and the first email didn’t bounce)? It would be very useful to have a way to do this instead of manually resending them to users individually.

    No this isn’t possible, as it can be considered as Spammy. We do offer the ability to manually resend the confirmation email. Here’s a guide to help:

    Please open up a seperate thread for your questions next time.


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