• Resolved zimbo000


    I have a ‘www’ site and a ‘dev’ site on the same domain. The dev site is the test server and Updraft is setup to backup to Dropbox. My email address is the site’s Administration Email Address, and this email is also my login to Dropbox.

    The www site, which I have admin access to, is setup to backup via Updraft to Google Drive. The main Admin email of this site, which is not my email address, is also used to login to Drive. My email address on this site for my user name is the email I use to login to Dropbox but the passwords for www, dev and Dropbox are all different. My user name on both sites is the same, but again passwords are different.

    Both backups work as setup. Today however in checking things out, on the dev site I clicked ‘Rescan remote storage’. I noted the dialogue box about “adding all backups stored in the configured remote storage directory (whichever site they were created by).”

    What happens next is that the rescan brings all the Drive stored backups for the www site into the dev site list of backups – and worse, it allows me logged into the dev site to delete a www backup on Drive from the dev site when it shouldn’t have any login access!

    The key point here is that the dev site is configured for Dropbox, not Drive. How on earth is Updraft on the dev site getting access to Drive and listing the www backups on the dev site – and then allowing a dev user to delete backups on Drive storage it has no login access to?

    See here: https://imgur.com/gallery/LFNQDw5 – shows some of the Drive backups listed

    NB. If I delete the Drive backups on dev from the list but don’t delete from remote storage, they disappear as expected. But if I do another rescan, they get listed again.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you send me a backup log from the dev and www.

    Can you use a tools such as patebin.com to post them?

    Thread Starter zimbo000


    https://pastebin.com/LDqrnGY4 – most recent Dropbox backup from dev

    https://pastebin.com/RbANm0JG – most recent Drive backup from www

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Thank you, when you migrate you migrate your dev to your live site, how do you do this?

    Thread Starter zimbo000


    I changed hosting provider about 3 months ago. It was not possible to move the old dev site to the new hosting so I had to create a new dev site from scratch. I copied the www site over to become the dev site using a migration plugin, I can’t remember which one, and this did all the renaming in the SQL tables from www references to dev. I can only assume that I changed the remote storage directory for Updraft from Drive to Dropbox and re-authorised.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    It is likely the settings were carried across during the migration.

    If you are not deleting the backups from your remote storage, whenever you re-scan they should show up (this is expected behaviour)

    Thread Starter zimbo000


    So what’s the solution? I need to fix this problem, I can’t have one site accessing another site’s backups.

    Should I delete the plugin and re-install? If I delete, do you delete all data in the database tables or do I need to edit some tables to remove certain values that are causing the problem?

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    You could try the following

    In your hosting Site Tools->Site->MySQL->phpMyAdmin, open your database

    Search the database for any table named ‘wp_X_options’,

    In the table, select ‘Search’ and enter the following: 

    Column name: ‘option_name’ 

    Operator: ‘LIKE %…%’ 

    Value: ‘updraft’

    This will bring up all UpdraftPlus options in the table. Delete any rows relating to your remote storage

    Please note that the options table does contain information for all of your plugins as well as some site settings so please be cautious when editing

    Thread Starter zimbo000


    In wp_options the option_name updraft_googledrive has a lot of text in it, very similar – but not identical – to the field in the www table, so I think I should reset the field, rather than delete it. Can you tell me what the default data in the field should be for an unused remote storage?

    e.g. updraft_s3, which I’ve never gone near, is:


    What’s the equivalent ‘unused’ data for updraft_googledrive?

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    I have set up a blank WP install and installed UpdraftPlus without entering any Google Drive settings.

    Here are the default values: https://snipboard.io/v0bWQa.jpg

    I have copied them below just to make it a bit easier for you;


    Thread Starter zimbo000


    Thanks, but it hasn’t worked, a rescan still pulls in the Drive backups. I’ve double-checked the field value and it’s definitely changed to the default value above. Do I need to do anything else to make it pick up the new value? I tried de-activating and re-activate but it made no difference.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    As far as I am aware there is not way of unseeing the backups. I have asked my colleague to see if they have any further suggestions. They should be in contact shortly

    Plugin Contributor DNutbourne


    Hi, Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Please could you use the ‘Wipe Settings’ tool in your development site’s UpdraftPlus Advanced Tools tab?

    Then, please reconnect the site to Dropbox, and delete any Drive backups from the backup list.

    Does a rescan still pull from Drive in this case?

    Thread Starter zimbo000


    Thank you, that’s solved the problem. Wiped then reconnected, no longer pulls the backups from Drive on a rescan. All sorted!

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