• Resolved Milan Thapa


    Hello there,

    I’m just curious why isn’t there option to order the post by ASC or DESC order and limited to alphabetical order only. And second of all, why isn’t BetterDocs not working along side Post Types Order plugin and we need to switch classic UI for it to work.

    Hoping for a quick response.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Milan Thapa.

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  • Plugin Support Abid Hasan


    Hi @rubick322 ,

    Hope you’re doing good.
    First of all, For now, You can only order the Post with the alphabetical order only from here: https://d.pr/i/X6sErR

    Also note that, As I reproduced your query fully on my end, I found that, If you use Post Types Order plugin in your website, This alphabetical order option from BetterDocs will not work as it replace with this plugin reorder functionality.
    Have a look: https://d.pr/v/3fA8pw

    And Yes, When you use Post Types Order plugin, You need to use the Classic UI as this plugin is work with the default view of post list in WordPress
    Have a look: https://d.pr/v/96EMuj

    Hope you understand.

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