• emilyb9


    What is the best way to completely remove the footer from the home page? Versus from all pages?

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  • arandomscott


    you could use custom css

    .site-footer.site-footer–4 {
    display: none;

    Thread Starter emilyb9


    I had tried that before. I added it to Additional CSS and it still shows up.


    Hello @emilyb9,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I am sorry for the delayed reply. This is how you can hide the footer on the homepage:

    .home footer{
    	display: none;

    And this is how it can be hidden on all pages:

    	display: none;

    Kindly let me know if the code snippets displayed above helped. 🙂

    Best Regards,

    Milos | GoDaddy

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