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  • I’ll let the experts answer this question properly, but I don’t think it’s possible to remove it, probably since it’s a free service to use.

    In terms on content optimisation, most users gravitate towards the right hand side of a page – it’s why most social network (eg facebook) functions, calls to actions and sidebars are on the right hand side and why magazines/newspapers charge more for ads on right hand side pages. So to make the blue tab less obtrusive it may be best to move it to the bottom left (change its location in settings). Of course this is all dependent on your site’s design.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    I see thanks for letting me know.

    That’s I shame. I understand its free but forcing the blue button on every page is over kill of advertising.

    I don’t mind giving credit where credit is due, but don’t force this on every page.

    I agree. I think the ‘Powered by Sumome’ tab that appears on the List Builder popups and the same for the Highlighter is enough credit for free users.

    The blue tab is an annoyance.

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Hey Rid / Jamie

    The blue tab is so you can easily access SumoMe from your site without having to go anywhere else.

    For $10 lifetime we can gladly remove it for you if you don’t like it.

    Let me know,

    Plugin Author Sumo


    Let me know if any of y’all have questions 🙂

    Plugin Author Sumo



    If you want to remove the blue badge, click on Settings > Badge > Click unlock hidden badge and now you can easily pay $10 to remove the blue tab!

    Um, no.

    Haven’t really tried using them yet, but SumoMe/KingSumo seems to be delivering great value… but $10 to remove a “click here to login” button? No. That’s just bad UX for the visitor.

    If you want a $10 upsell, make it display a credit back to you or something that makes sense to the user (like is done with the crown logo for the SmartBar or the lower-left “Powered by” link for the pop-up), but don’t display a login form unless logged in to wp-admin and with appropriate capabilities (e.g. edit_options)

    Hey User, if your theme adds the ‘logged-in’ body class, like it probably does, then this CSS will do the trick:

    #sumotest-badge { display:none !important; }
    body.logged-in #sumotest-badge { display:block !important; }

    Hey Sumo, keep up the good work… this one thing just rubbed me the wrong way.

    Actually, I support SumoMe’s method. They’ve created an awesome set of tools that are worth more than the $10 they request. Unfortunately, just using the removal of a “powered by” as incentive won’t result in nearly as many conversions.

    Anyone could contribute the $10 right after installing and visitors would never see it.

    On one hand you have service providers charging way too much, on the other you have SumoMe, and $10 for life is pretty darned cheap.

    SumoMe, don’t change a thing.

    I too have no issue with SumoMe’s method. $10 is a small price to pay for the plugins. However, I don’t appreciate being forced to provide a link to any developer that I have paid money to. So I added a bit of basis CSS to remove the “Powered by Sumome” on sites where I have paid the $10 to remove the blue tab – as I feel it should remove the link too.

    Fairs fair and all that…

    .sumome-popup-overlay a.sumome-popup-link {
        display: none !important;

    I removed the SumoMe plugin but still the blue tag is there. How to remove it?

    If you removed the plugin, it should be gone completely. What is the URL it appears on? I will try to help you.

    Couldn’t agree more with martinkoss, when I paid the $10 to have the badge hidden I assumed it is gonna remove the “powered by” link as well. And I had to waste 20 minutes to figure out how to login when I hidden the badge.

    Sumome<up-cursor-key> yes!

    I have just started to attempt to use Sumome and I notice everyone here is mentioning they paid a one time lifetime $10 remove badge fee. I went to their website and say $5/mo for the removal of the badge. Am I missing something or are they no charging $60 a year to remove this simple badge?

    It certainly WAS $10. If they have changed the price then they are being greedy. Very much the trend these days to get everyone paying a monthly fee forever rather than selling a solution outright.

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