• Resolved montifit


    Hi, there is a bug with the Session Expire time, it rewrites both simple login and login with remember me checkbox and that’s not correct.

    It should leave the default 14days for remember me or there should be more settings to be able to edit both simple login and remembered Expire times

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  • Plugin Support Muhammad Arslan


    Hey @montifit

    LoginPress is ulilizing the same hook to limit the user activity on the site after login to certain time.

    However, if you want to exclude certain role/s from session expiration then kindly review this documentation.

    You can exclude certain roles from being expired and it will get the 14 days for those roles only.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter montifit


    The idea is to set x session time to all user 24h and if any user checked the remember me then u should be 14d or another setting for different session time as remember me is longer then without it

    Its not related to roles it relates to extended session time setting.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by montifit.
    Plugin Contributor Abdul Wahab


    It make sense, noted your request and will discuss it with dev team.

    Thank you.

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