• Resolved wqdd


    Any way for me to customize the registration form so that users have to pay straight away when they register for an account and they will become a member after they pay? if its possible how do i do it? if not, any membership plugin that can do this? 🙂

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by wqdd.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    Hello @wqdd

    What aspect of the checkout page do you want to customize?

    When users checkout and pay for any membership plan, they are automatically registered on the site.

    You can read more on managing checkout fields here.


    Thread Starter wqdd


    Hi @ibrahimkh4l33l ,

    I think you misunderstood what I meant, I want to move the payment to the registration page instead. So instead of everyone being able to register for an account and then buying a membership plan, i want it to just have one membership plan and user can pay and become a member straight away during account registration.


    Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    I am sorry for the confusion.

    What I am trying to say is that when you use the membership checkout page as the registration page, your users can register AND make payment at the same time.

    Users do not have to register first and then pay for the membership, the registration takes place on the checkout page and you can assign a user role to them in the membership plan creation page.


    Thread Starter wqdd


    @ibrahimkh4l33l oh I didn’t know I could use the checkout page as registration page as I looked at the video tutorial and the documentation but I saw that both registration page and membership purchase page are two separated page, could you perhaps point me to the place which has this mentioned? Thank you so much.

    Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    This is not mentioned in the tutorial because it is a standard feature of checkout pages to register non-logged in users.

    However, we will update our documentation to mention this for future users.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter wqdd


    @ibrahimkh4l33l So would it be possible for me to not have a registration page instead I will just have a page to show the membership plan and when user click it goes to the checkout page straight away? and i will just have a login page for them to login to their account. is that possible with this plugin?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by wqdd.
    Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    Yes, the checkout page can be used as registration page.

    If you have any other questions feel free to get back to us.


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