• Resolved whoismuktar


    When you click on the log in in the nav bar, a login modal pops up. Dokan has brilliantly modified the register panel to suit a customer and a vendor. When you click on “I am a vendor”, there’s a slide down for more input options thereafter you register as usual. That was how it was functioning before.

    But now, the functionality just doesn’t work again. When you now click on “I am a vendor”, nothing happens and even the “Register” Button doesn’t as well do anything.

    My wordpress and dokan are up to date

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter whoismuktar


    So I noticed the JS folder and some other folders including tooltip are not being linked to the home page only. Any reason why this is happening? I will appreciate if someone could guide me through on fixing this.

    Thank you

    Hello @whoismuktar,

    I have checked the issue on our local server and also in our demo http://dokandemo.wedevs.com. Unfortunately, I failed to reproduce the issue because everything is working fine. On your site, it is working fine also- https://d.pr/i/IWiMWW.

    Same issue here, register button (pop up form) not working, just work on when i am in /my-account-page/.

    Help @nazmul Hassan


    I’m facing the same problem “register button” not working on pop up form but working on my account page I’m using flatsome theme. Any suggestions?


    Dokan registration form is made based on some action and hooks of WooCommerce. The themes that you are using does not have the necessary action hook that is needed for Dokan registration So, you are unable to register using the popup. But in the my account page, the action and hooks are implemented so that is why the registration option works fine.

    A temporary solution is you disable the popup from the theme. But I can understand you are looking for a permanent solution. You can contact us here and we will try our best to help you 🙂

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