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  • Plugin Author Edi Amin


    Hi @indikatordesign! Can you please upload your image to another hosting other than Imgur? Unfortunately, I cannot open the image cause the site is showing the error “Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later.” for two days.

    Thread Starter IndikatorDesign


    Plugin Author Edi Amin


    @indikatordesign From 2.3.0 wp-console is using a custom build of ace.js. But I forgot to update the version number in the wp_register_style call. I think your browser is loading the old ace.js from the cache, which is why it is throwing the error.

    I’ve release a hotfix 2.3.1 updating the version number in wp_register_style. Please update the plugin and let me know if it fixes your issue or not. Thank you.

    Thread Starter IndikatorDesign


    Hello Edi,

    yes it works with the hotfix. Thanks

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