• Hello,

    thank you for this fine plugin.

    Could you please consider adding a randomize feature for slides? Everytime the page is loaded it would show slides in random order. Pages would look more “fresh” with this option.

    Also there is an issue with multiple slides – if you reload the page you can see all the slides below each other for a brief moment. This looks pretty ugly. I have temporalily solved this by styling max-height and overflow none. Might be worth looking into tho.

    Thanks again,


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  • Plugin Author HT Plugins


    Hello @jakeob

    Thank you so much for your kind words.

    About adding randomize feature:

    We’ll try to add this feature in the next update.

    For the multiple slides:

    We’ll solve the issue and update our plugin ASAP.

    We really appreciate your feedback.

    Best regards,
    Support Team

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