• Resolved anthonyrespect


    I’m having a random issue on my site currently (not live yet) that is preventing the slider from taking full width. Slick-track div itself is not adjusting to the width of the slides within, resulting in an incredibly small slide show. However, the buttons for previous and next are where they should be, the dots below are working, even though they are very far from the track.

    I have exhausted all methods to double check the issue, turned off all plugins one by one, removed and reinstalled plugin. I have even removed and reinstalled the other plugins. On my test site it works perfectly, which is strange because it’s the same site but as a sandbox.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Plugin Author Sajjad Hossain Sagor


    It’s almost impossible to say whats causing the problem on your end without checking it on my end. Perhaps there is some place in parent div flex is doing to restrictions or parent div anywhere not have full-width. Sometimes CSS is weird, you need to dig in. If possible have an sharable link of the website page where issue exists to check perhaps.

    Thread Starter anthonyrespect


    Yea I figured that would be the case, the site is not active currently but I can send you a link via email to access it on your end if you like. I did dig through the css and can’t find any issue with the parent divs, all are showing the same 1440 measurement.

    Also to be more specific it is the slick-list draggable div that’s having the issue, which is then passing it down the list into the slick-track div.

    Thread Starter anthonyrespect


    Figured out the issue, the problem was a css line was not being called for some reason. I tested it against multiple iterations of themes. Every time it would show 1/5 of the scale it was because a piece of the css didn’t load.

    For anyone else having this issue, this is the CSS to add for that type of display problem.

    .woopspro-product-slider .products.slick-initialized {
    grid-template-columns: auto !important;

    You can close this now and or add this to a faq support issues.

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