• Resolved Gsk8


    Hi again!

    So it appears that ads are showing up on my sidebar on “posts” for the Random Content plugin. I used the List to exclude it, but it doesn’t work? I have removed the widget from posts, but you can see it on the main page. The ads do not show up there.

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  • Plugin Author Spacetime



    no block is configured for insertion on Homepage.

    Can you please describe the steps to reproduce the issue?

    Thread Starter Gsk8


    So if you go to a post, like here, you will see on the sidebar there is a “Did You Know” widget. This widget is based on the Random Content plugin.

    Currently, the ads are set up to be in the “post” only. I have used the Ad Inserter “List” feature to exclude the “Random Content” category (for pages and posts), but the ad is still showing up?

    Plugin Author Spacetime



    post https://www.goldenskate.com/young-you/ has no “Random Content” category assigned:

    POST TYPE:               post
    CATEGORIES:              Figure Skating News (news), Golden Skate Videos (videos), Women (women)
    PRIMARY CATEGORY:        news
    TAGS:                    Featured (featured), Young You (young-you)

    You can use debugging function Log Processing (+ Show Log) to see the data of the post:

    Please note that used widgets have no impact on the post categories or tags. This is set in the post editor.

    Thread Starter Gsk8



    I’m talking about the ad that is showing up inside the “Did You Know” widget here (see screenshot). It’s on the sidebar. The plugin is Random Content.

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    The reason block 3 is inserted is the following:

    When WP creates post https://www.goldenskate.com/young-you/ it calls plugins. For the widget it calls Random Content plugin. Random Content plugin generates its content and calls also the_content action hook for other plugins to process it. Ad Inserter responds to this call and inserts block 3 as configured – this post belongs to categories Figure Skating News (news), Golden Skate Videos (videos), Women (women) so there is nothing to prevent insertion. After all the content processing plugins are called, Random Content returns this content for the widget. Consequently, the widget contains also block 3.

    You can try to prevent insertion by enabling Insert only in the loop for block 3:

    Let me know if this works.

    Thread Starter Gsk8


    Thank you! I believe that did the trick!

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