• Resolved tangramconsultingde


    Hello, I have developed a personality analysis tool using your PRO plugin. I have a few questions according to this:

    Question 1:
    The description says it’s possible to display custom content at the end of the quiz based on the number of questions answered correctly.
    This probably applies more to trivia quizzes, but I am interested in the personality quiz as well. If it is possible, where can I set these IF-THEN functions? So far I’ve only found the option to display one of the 4 personalities as a blanket answer, and I’ve only found the few shortcodes that don’t allow me to generate much individual text in the answers. Are there more ways to add individualization to the text, or even charts?
    For example, it would be exciting to see what percentage I have of the main expression and what percentage my second highest expression has.

    Question 2:
    Is it possible to send a mail not only to the user but also to my email? If so, where can I set this up?

    Question 3:
    Is it possible to send a mail with an individual content primarily to me and ideally also to the user whenever a certain answer has been clicked in one of the 15 questions (and only in this case)?

    Question 4:
    Is it possible to rename the start button? Instead of “Quiz beginnen”? it would be better: “Analyse starten”. If possible, how to do that?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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