• sun


    The plugin outputs its promotion banner in two places:

    1. A notice on all administrative dashboard pages.
    2. A banner within the notification settings page of each Gravityform.

    After dismissing the first notice, a transient gfuaa_dismiss_upgrade_notice is stored with value "1" that expires after one year, which disables the notice on all admin pages.

    However, the second banner in the notification settings still appears permanently and there is no way to disable or remove it aside from patching the plugin.

    If every plugin would do this, the WordPress admin dashboard would become very messy and no one would want to use WordPress anymore. Please do not alienate the users.

    It seems like all that is necessary is to wrap the table row with the same condition that is used by the notice, too:

    <?php if ( ! get_transient( 'gfuaa_dismiss_upgrade_notice' ) ): ?>

    I created a patch that you can apply.

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