• Resolved tejasrinivasvk


    As you can see on my front page of https://gofroots.in/, The section under Heading “Top Offers – on sale!” is empty. In reality, there is a shortcode I kept there, “[woopspro_on_sale_products_slider stock_status=’instock’ limit=’6′ slide_to_show=’5′ slide_to_scroll=’1′ slide_to_show_for_mobile=’2′ slide_to_scroll_for_mobile=’1′ slide_to_show_for_tablet=’2′ slide_to_scroll_for_tablet=’1′ slide_to_show_for_laptop=’3′ slide_to_scroll_for_laptop=’1′ dots=’false’]”

    Curiously, the products used to appear when all of them were simple products. Now I chnaged all of them to variable products, suddenly, the products which should appear under “Top Offers – on sale!” section is empty. Kindly help.

    Curiously, the normal woo commerce block to show “ON Sale products” is working fine, as you can see at the end of the home page.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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