• Joe


    This is for the benefit of people affected by the same issue rather than a support request.

    Updating to version 1.4.2 from 1.3.0 resulted in translations to product categories and tags being lost in Polylang.

    To resolve, go to Polylang settings, Custom Post Types & Taxonomies and recheck product categories and tags (and any other custom taxonomies you need translating).

    Thanks for the plugin Hyyan.

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Joe.
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  • dgulias


    Thank you for share this. Fixed my problem.



    Thanks @webworksjoe



    Something strange is happening now.

    When i Remark Category, product tag, etc. All of this itens back to work fine, but the products translated page became uncategorized.

    Eg: remarks all the checkboxes and save. Category, tags, etc. Works fine. So i can see the products as a grid option.

    When i go to the product page, I got it translated, but the all the page loses the translation (menu, footer, sidebar, url, etc.).

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by dgulias.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by dgulias.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by dgulias.


    I get the problem described above sorted when I went to Setting -> WooPoly -> and Checked the new Checkbox “Check WooCommerce Pages”.

    After this, I got everrything sorted.

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