• Resolved drevaxsk


    Hello, first of all I want to thank the developers for a quality plugin. It works great. Except for one thing. Product label is not displayed on the product list widget. It is marked with a red frame in the printscreen (URL).


    woocommerce with the OPEN shop PRO theme

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ILLID


    These styles are global ones, so you shouldn’t add them via the label settings page -> Custom CSS. Additional CSS fields are correct for these styles.

    As I see you are using the Seraphinite Accelerator plugin – please clear its cache and rebuild all site assets.


    Thread Starter drevaxsk


    Hi, I tried your procedure but I don’t register any changes. I also cleared the cache in Seraphinte Accelerator. But still the link only responds when I hover over the image. The product name is not responding.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please try this additional style:

    .product_list_widget .advanced-woo-labels {     width: auto !important; }
    Thread Starter drevaxsk


    It works. You are a legend! I’m running to rate the product. 🙂

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