• Resolved kds26


    Hi, I have set up my emails with <a href='{cart_link}'>{cart_link}</a>

    When I click the cart link it appears to add the product to the cart but when the cart or view cart is clicked it says the cart is empty.

    I have tried to troubleshoot, I was initially on my iphone using safari and it didn’t work. I then went to my computer and tried it in google chrome and firefox, same result.

    I then logged in to the website in chrome, click the link from my email again and this time it worked.

    Is it a requirement that the user must be logged in to be able to add to cart or am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by kds26.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support CodeWooGeek Support


    Hello there,

    Good Day!!

    We’re here to assist you.

    We generate cart URLs based on the WooCommerce API – cart link validation is taken care of by WooCommerce. Sometimes this issue may happen due to a conflict between third party plugins. We suggest you deactivate all other plugins except WooCommerce and our Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce plugin to see if it works properly.


    Thread Starter kds26


    Hi @codewoogeeksupport

    Thank you for the reply. I think it is probably my cache plugin that is causing the issue. Unfortunately not much I can do about it. I just won’t be able to use this feature.


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