• Hi!
    I am very glad that I came across your plugin. His idea is great, but there are some flaws. Can you figure out how to fix them?
    1. When adding a review, the Send button and a non-existent icon turns next to it (it does not load). After that, the button changes color, but the evaluation window does not close. It would probably be better after sending the review to appear – Thank you, the review is published. and the window closed.
    2. It is impossible to make a pre-moderation of the review, it is immediately published.
    3. One review for all products from the order. And if the buyer writes about toilet paper, but at the same time the review is published in the headphones product, which he also bought. There is no logic in this. A person describes one product, and this review is published to all other products from the order.
    4. When reviews are published on the products page, but their rating does not participate in the overall rating until you edit the review and republish it from the backend. This means that there are no stars of the general product reting on the product page. They become visible only when I manually update a user-created review in the backend.
    5. The image of products in pop-up is displayed very large. How do I fix the display of a different size?

    Can you fix it?`

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  • Thread Starter webfantastic


    I suggest changing the feedback form a little. Add a multi-level form:
    1. My review of a specific product > select a product from the list > leaves a review > the review is published only in this product.
    2. My review of the service in general leaves a review > the review is published in all products.
    3. I am not satisfied > the feedback field appears > instead of publishing a review, an email is sent specified in the settings with information about the client and what he wrote.


    Plugin Author Jompha


    Hi @webfantastic

    Apologies for the delayed response. We are taking into consideration your valuable feedback and we will soon release an update with your requested features.

    Thank you very much for your input, it helps us build better products.


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