• robadeedoo123


    We previously used the non native eway plugin by webaware. Worked fine. Moved to this one and it started putting payments through as recurring subscription payments. We do not offer recurring sub payments never have, have no software on our website to do with this and never will. eway said to ask woo commerce. Woo commerce took no liability and told us to disconnect all the plugins move to storefront theme etc and trouble shoot despite the non native plugin working perfectly. Every time woocommerce gets involved with a payment gateway plugin it does not work properly. Stripe is problematic, woocommerce paypal is problematic. Which is why from now on I will never use any of them.

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  • Plugin Support Douglas I. a11n


    Hi @robadeedoo123,

    I am sorry to hear that the Eway plugin was putting payments through as recurring subscription payments.

    This is quite a strange scenario and I will like to look into this issue further for you. Can you share the ticket number from your last interaction with us? If not you can share open a new ticket and let me know here and I take it from there.


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