• Resolved caseylamm



    I am using the Real Thumbnail Generator Pro to do bulk actions, but I am unable to do these bulk actions. On my local WordPress Server, I have got the bulk action to go to 8 of ~1k and then it stops. On my remote WordPress Server, I am stuck at 0.

    Any suggestion on why I can’t perform bulk generation/deletion? Analyze works with no problem and individual files regenerate, also performing bulk actions from the list view works, but not the built-in bulk generate.


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  • Plugin Contributor Matthias Günter


    Hi there!

    Thanks for your message.

    Is there anything in your server log related to this?

    Best regards,
    Matthew 🙂

    Thread Starter caseylamm


    Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for the quick reply, apologizes for my slow response.

    I see no messages in debug.log. Is there a different log perhaps? It has made it further this time, up to 12% after being left overnight on my local staging server, but I see no messages related to the plugin in the debug.log. I also tried again with the online server, and it is still stuck at 0% after being left overnight.


    Plugin Contributor Matthias Günter


    Hi @caseylamm !

    Sorry for my late response. I have worked on a new release of Real Thumbnail Generator. Can you please update and check if the issue persists?

    Plugin Contributor Jan Karres


    Hi @caseylamm,

    You have not replied for several months. Therefore, I expect you to have solved the problem in the meantime and I close this support ticket.



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