• Hello,
    I can’t fix a problem with the plugin : a user (contributor or author) cannot create a new project, and I don’t know why.
    He receive everytime the same massage (even he is the administrator of the group) : “There was an error trying to add project in this group.”
    Can you tell me what’s wrong with my parameters ?
    Thanks a lot

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have the same issue. Admins and mods of Buddypress groups can’t create projects. Have you found a solution yet?

    Thread Starter fdj63


    I didn’t find yet. I don’t know if it’s wrong parameters from my site or if it’s a plungin bug…

    I have no idea but I noticed that only SITE ADMINS can create projects. If you’ve bought the Thrive theme you should create a support ticket here http://support.dunhakdis.com/login

    I can’t create tickets because I didn’t purchase their theme

    Thread Starter fdj63


    Ok thanks.
    I don’t have acces to Thrive theme support because I bougth more than 6 months ago.

    Hi, have you found an answer to this problem?

    I just found the problem! To create a project the plugin requests the skill “manage_options”. If you want to change this skill you can change it in the file /core/conditional-tags.php

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