• Hi,

    Cool plugin only two suggestions:
    1. Price with decimals are not updateble like 1,50 or 1.50
    2. If you have many categories it will cut the categories after 50.

    Kind regards,

    Mitchell Bakker – mitchell@your-style.nl

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Md.Mehedi Hasan


    Hi uili;
    Thanks for inform me. I will update fix it in next release.

    like mitchell not being able to adjust the price was unfortunate, being able to adjust photo and categories is brilliant!
    Thanks Mark (beachdrug)


    I have large images for products and when I edit them, they just overlap the complete editor-popup. Can I use thumbnail images in popup editor?

    That would be helpful. Thanks

    Plugin Author Md.Mehedi Hasan


    Hi nimm3,
    could you please send your screenshot or live website link ?
    May be your issue is coming from theme image size so that need to be fixed with custom css.

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