• Resolved Ozan Ozdincer


    Hi, if Google Dynamic Remarketing Pixel activated, site is showing the prices without tax and on mobile only.

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  • Hi ozzychigurh,

    Thanks for using our plugin and reaching out to us. Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with your website.

    Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue, nor did anybody else report similar issues. Are you sure the issue at hand is caused by our plugin?

    If so, could you:

    • Send some screenshots of what you are seeing?
    • Let us know what theme you are using



    Assuming the issue at hand has been resolved and/or our support is no longer needed I am going to close this topic for housekeeping reasons now. Do not hesitate to reach out to us again when you believe this issue shouldn’t be closed or when you need our help for something else.

    All the best,

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  • The topic ‘Price excluded tax on mobile when Google Dynamic Remarketing Pixel activated’ is closed to new replies.