• I’m replicating an older WordPress portfolio site. In versions prior to WP5.0 there was no limit on the number of posts you could display in the “Latest Posts” widget. Now it is capped at 100. Is there an easy workaround? I need to be able to show 300 posts.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @lagi,

    You can use a plugin to achieve the result. One popular plugin that can help you display more than 100 posts in the Latest Posts widget is “Custom Post Limits“. This plugin allows you to customize the post limit for various WordPress widgets, including the Latest Posts. Once you install and activate the plugin, you can configure the post limit for the Latest Posts widget to 300.

    Keep in mind that displaying a large number of posts in a widget may affect your website’s loading time, so make sure to test the performance of your website after implementing these changes.

    Hassan Ali



    Hello @lagi have you tried going to Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most?

    @lagi why do you need to show that many posts, it might effect performance badly

    Thread Starter lagi


    Thanks everyone. I’ll try the plugin. And thanks for the warning about load time. I was under the impression it was just hyperlinked text on a sidebar, not that it was loading each post. Perhaps there is a less demanding method of listing all posts on the sidebar. It’s a portfolio site and we want to be able to list all of the projects on the sidebar for ease of navigation. Cheers!

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