Support » Plugin: Embed Privacy » Poster images for embeds. Can it be done?

  • Resolved Bjarne Oldrup


    Hey! Thank you for a fine plugin.

    As per the FAQ, I got Embed Privacy to show posters for YouTube and Vimeo. Nice.

    Is there any way to expand that functionality, to also support poster images from

    For instance, the article below features an embed:

    Sample embed form

    The default embed offers a poster in jpg-format. Sample:

    <img loading="lazy" crossorigin="anonymous" alt="" src="">

    Hope that makes sense, otherwise, please let me know, and I’ll try and create a demo page showing the poster image of the standard embed.


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  • Plugin Author KittMedia


    Hi Bjarne,

    thank you for your suggestion. It is possible, I added it as feature request to the project:

    I currently cannot tell you when it will be implemented, though.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Uhm, okay, I just spent hours fiddling with this embed source, and now it works, I’d like to share what I learned – as it was a bit confusing.

    Embed Privacy has a Background option for each Embed source. This can be used for a generic thumbnail, when a “dynamic” thumbnail, like YouTubes isn’t available. Yet, at least.

    To set a background image for the video’s found on, you must edit the background of the VideoPress Embed – as the URL given by the Share button on, actually points to VideoPress (which it also says in the block editor, to be fair.) Sample below.

    Don’t, like me, get too confused by the url in the video thumbnail, nor that the video is actually served from 😉
    Do make sure you are editing the Embred Privacy embed settings for the correct language, otherwise your edit’s won’t kick in 😳

    I still desire the dynamic thumbnails from aka VideoPress would be fetched at some point. But for now, my edited default background does an ok job, since I only plan to share videos with the blue thumbnail (title removed) anyways. I’m therefore marking this as resolved.

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