• Hi everyone,

    My editor (both visual and text) for posts and pages is not working in the new WordPress 4.9.1. I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome and Safari, deactivated all plugins, switched to the default wordpress theme, cleared all caches (wordpress, browser and cloudflare) and still the problem exists. I’m unable to write new posts/pages at all, and I cannot see the text from posts/pages already on the site in the backend. It’s not even that the text is white on a white background – I can’t highlight any text at all. It’s not there (but it can still be seen on the front end of the website). I can’t switch from the visual editor to the text editor either. I’ve already made sure the visual editor box is unchecked (i.e. CAN be used) in the user profile settings. I’ve also tried the work around of adding define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to the wp-config/php file. NOTHING IS WORKING GUYS. I can’t add any new posts to my page! MASSIVE SAD FACE.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by rainy27.
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  • Hello @rainy27

    Just to be sure, make sure that you have tried deactivating *all* plugins, even ones you feel are essential. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the Twenty Seventeen theme to rule-out a theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins).


    Thread Starter rainy27


    Hi @umashanker,

    Thanks for the reply – as mentioned above, yes I did deactivate ALL plugins and switch to the default theme (Twenty Seventeen). No luck 🙁

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by rainy27.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by rainy27.

    Same here, I cannot believe all the posts on the Internet and WP about this for the last few years. First time I am experiencing it.

    This couldn’t not have happened at a worse time!!! Small non profit sending out year end donation campaign AND I CANNOT UPDATE OUR WEBSITE!

    No it’s not just text, I have images with my posts and they are missing in the back end yet display on the website. One is incorrect and I need to update it and resize the photos.

    I cannot think of a more crippling aspect of WordPress, posts inaccessible.

    Yes – updated wp config
    Yes – disabled plug ins
    Yes – emptied cache
    Yes – unchecked editor in profile but I cannot get to the photos!

    Going to another CMS, this is so unacceptably crippling for us!! Of course cannot replace everything in by the time the campaign goes out this morning. And no one gets it!!!!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by dolol.

    Did anyone ever get this fixed? I am having the same issue

    Hello there,

    I’ve got the same issue but no one seems to have found a solution… at least every forum I looked into.

    Thanks for sharing if you have a solution.

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