• Resolved jumbo


    First, thanks again for your great plugin. I noticed some inconsistencies for post cache purging with comments.

    In the admin/editor dashboard, there exist two options to edit comments: “Edit” (full page screen) and “Quick Edit” (AJAX, in-place comment editing).

    Making changes on full-page “Edit” comment screen doesn’t purge the post cache in any scenario, whether editing the text, or changing the “status” (approve, disapprove, spam).

    But the cache is purged when using the AJAX “Quick Edit” approach.

    And there’s another thing I noticed. Paginated comments aren’t purged. For example, let’s say comments were broken into pages:


    And let’s say I used Quick Edit to approve or disapprove a comment or edit a comment or mark it as spam. Only the first page would get purged, while comment pages 2 and further would be left on disk.

    Further, if I cleared a comment that appears on page 3, it would only clear the index page, and leave the “comment-page-3” on disk..

    It would seem the easiest fix would be to purge the entire post and all sub-posts whenever a comment is edited or its status changes.

    It’s easy to test this by setting the Break comments into pages with [NUMBER] top level comments per page in the WordPress discussion settings page to one and post a couple of test comments.


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  • Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hi @jumbo,

    Thanks for the detailed report! I’m on it and will address this in the next version of the plugin.

    Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hi @jumbo,

    I’ve just released version 3.4.4, which addresses the issues you mentioned. Please update the plugin and test it out.

    Let me know if the problem persists.

    Thread Starter jumbo


    Thanks @m_uysl, I test the new version and it’s working great. All issues resolved.

    Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    I’m glad to hear that all issues have been resolved. Once again thanks for the detailed report.


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