• Resolved cynthiap


    I have the pop up event set to (onload) and it should delay 60 seconds. But it does not dealy. It appears immediately. Is there something else I need to do to make it delay?
    Thank you.

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  • Dear @cynthiap,

    Please, check the Display rules section of your popup.
    Seems you have selected 2 lines of “On load” event, one of them has an opening delay, the second doesn’t.
    If this is so, please, remove the second line and recheck the results.

    Hope this will solve your issue. If it does, please, take a moment to share your review for our plugin & support.

    In case you need more help, please, submit a ticket for direct support, here: https://sygnoos.ladesk.com/submit_ticket.

    Thread Starter cynthiap


    No, that is not the case. I only have one (on load) event. And it does not delay. I have a bunch of pop-ups. All of them are set to have one (on load) event and delay, but they do not delay. Thank you.

    Dear @cynthiap,

    Could you, please, share a URL with your popup so we can check it live?
    Please, share a screenshot of your popup settings.
    You can contact us for direct support if you don’t want to share these details here, in the forum: support@sygnoos.com

    Also, please, clear the cache on your site after the changes (if you have any).

    Same problem here.
    Unfortunately, I have to uninstall it and install another.
    Very annoying -_-

    Dear @abd-hannan,

    This issue can be resulted in case you add more than 1 line of the same Display rule for your popup.
    Or there may be 3rd party issues affecting this option.

    You can contact us for direct support so we can check your issue and show that our plugin is worth to be used: support@sygnoos.com

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