• Resolved Fantou



    I’m discovering your plugin and it’s a great one, congratulations and thanks for your work !

    I would like to know : is it possible to create personnality quiz with your plugin ? (for example : which Athena’s Saint are you ?) and showing a different result accroding to the visitor’s answer ?

    And another question : is it possible to ponderate answers ?

    Have a nice day !

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi Fantou,
    I am sorry to say that HD Quiz is not currently compatible with weighted questions. The next major release (a v2.0) will allow for weighted answers as well as dynamic results, but as of now, this is not possible.

    Thread Starter Fantou



    Thanks for your answer and great news ! Could you please update to v2.0 tomorrow ?

    Joking of course, but I can’t wait now to see this v2.0 🙂

    Have a nice day!

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