• c47host


    Honestly drawing a blank on how to describe it, but basically an end user would like to have it where a user can visit a page on the site. The page has a pre-written series of text that the end user should copy and paste.

    However they’d like the end user to be able to fill in their name and company name and “submit” so that it auto fills that info into the pre-made paragraph so they can copy it.

    Is this best done say with like a mailing template plugin or something else?

    Say basically the page had;

    Hello my name is “Name” from “Company”

    This is the pre formatted paragraph you are to copy.


    on the page should be two fields for them to enter in their name and company to then hit submit and have the text re-generated with the fields filled in.

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  • Zworthkey


    I don’t think there’s any plugin to full fill your requirements.

    But your approach and task are pretty simple and net. You have to customize that from a developer

    Thank you

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