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  • Plugin Author Dani Llewellyn



    The layout of individual items in the list can be tailored by customising the template that comes with the plugin. Copy the file wp-content/plugins/a-z-listing/templates/a-z-listing.example.php into your theme and modify to suit.

    For the restriction of showing a single letter’s items at a time this is not a default behaviour for my plugin. It can be faked by adding the following to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'a_z_listing_tabify', '__return_true' );

    Note, however, that this will load all your items on a single page and merely hides the non-active letters. You will not have a separate address/page for each letter.

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your amazing support.
    I have a remaining question on which I cannot find any answer in here :
    is it possible to add a second filter in addition to the letter-filter ?

    For instance, I have a list of books and I would like to be able to show only the ones related to the category “Biography”, and hide the other.
    Here is the page I need help with :

    Thanks in advance

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