• Resolved rynecallahan


    Here is the site. This is quite annoying, please patch or help me fix whatever I am doing. I am using Elementor Pro, WooCommerce, Bookly and a couple other plugins.

    Issue: When the user just hovers over the logout button, it logs them out. They don’t even have to click it.

    Here is a login if you want to test it out.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Yui. Reason: credentials cleared
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  • Jahid


    I would like to help you with this. What is your website address?

    Thread Starter rynecallahan


    Thank you for the fast reply. I actually just figured out what was causing the issue.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘i’ has already been declared (at instant-page.min.js?ver=3.18.3:1:1)

    This was the error I was getting in the console. I was able to figure out the Elementor page transitions were the problem for some reason. I guess we will have to wait until they patch that.

    Moderator Support Moderator


    @rynecallahan Please do not publush any credentials and do not offer logins onto your site, even test passwords and staging site.

    Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Hi @rynecallahan, thank you for reaching out to Paid Memberships Pro.

    Thank you for posting feedback on the cause of the issue. I haven’t had any reports of this elsewhere yet but will be keeping this in mind.

    Feel free to reach out if there’s anything else we can assist with.

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