• thompsonaire


    So I was updateing all my sites and unwittingly selected update all. If you are using this plug in and have one of the earlier versions DO NOT UPDATE! It will mess up your site. Or more specifically it will mess up the calendar view. There are ways to fix it and if you are good at code or want to try to search for line 609 in the php file go for it. Not an option for me. I need to find some place I can get version Version

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  • Plugin Author Marcus


    Hello, have you tried opening a thread about this, or getting in touch, rather than leaving a review?

    I’m not aware of the calendar messing up in the latest update, and we’re about to push out another update, so if you can clarify more specifically what the issue is, likely we can fix it. I’m not sure which file you’re referring to with line 609.

    You can roll back to earlier versions either by downloading them here or use a rollback plugin.

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