• Resolved Devin104


    I have been sent here by James Osborne of Google Site Kit fame.

    I am seeking step-by-step instructions on how to place my Google Analytics Code onto my WordPress Site.

    As a novice in these matters with a low resolution of knowledge in all things Google, Analytics, Code and AdSense guidance in terms the layperson can comprehend will be greatly appreciated.

    How to find my Google Analytics Code would be a great start. 😊

    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for opening an individual support regarding Analytics @devin104, much appreciated. It’s easier to handle specific queries from individual support topics.

    Regarding adding Google Analytics to your site, based on your previous support topic I gather you’re looking to place the code manually, as opposed to using Site Kit? Just to be sure, I’ll provide details on how to do both:

    Using Site Kit to place Google Analytics code on your site: You’ll find the steps to do this here, over on the Site Kit plugin website.

    Placing Google Analytics code on your manually: While we’re limited to Site Kit support here in the forums, see the steps below, with links to further explanations where possible:

    1. Capture the code snippet to place on your site.
    2. Place the code snippet on your site (in the same place where you placed your AdSense snippet, typically the header.php file of your theme).
    3. Check that Analytics is reporting with your manually placed code snippet, using the Google Analytics real time reporting tool or Google Tag Assistant.

    One thing to note, is that if you’re adding code snippets to the header.php file of your theme, it’s better to use a child theme, so that your additions don’t get overwritten each time there is a theme update. We can’t assist with this, given we provide support for Site Kit only.

    If you need any assistance adding the Google Analytics code snippet to your site manually, the product experts over at the Analytics Help Center should be able to assist more than we can here in plugin support. Thank you!

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    As we didn’t receive a response I’ll mark this as resolved. Feel free to open a new support topic if you continue to encounter issues, or reopen this topic and we’d be happy to assist.

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