• Resolved tabytharourke


    I am setting the free version of this plugin up on a network of sites I help manage, but I’ve run into a couple of problems that might just be related to settings. We just aren’t sure.

    Is there a way to set a cut off day for past posts? Our feeds are pulling over posts that are from way back, and we’d like to limit it to just the past month or so.

    On some of the posts (but not all), it is pulling in everything on the page including the author box and sidebar – is there a reason why it’s grabbing more than just the post text?

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  • Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    Please read my answer to your first question here (I’ve answered to it just yesterday): https://wordpress.org/support/topic/limit-import-time/

    That’s how the full text extraction script by fivefilters.org works. It’s a 3rd-party GPL product which is included “AS IS”, so I have no control over the code. On he other hand, the professional version of CyberSEO allows one to use the custom PHP code, so the unwanted parts of text can be easily removed.

    The fivefilters.org code has been updated to php versions 7.3.

    When should you implement in cyberseo?

    Thank you for your work!

    Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    I can not add the newest version because fivefilters.org sells it for money. In terms of GPL course it can be added, but in human terms I can’t. So if you want the latest version to be used with CyberSEO, just buy it from their site and upload at your site.

    Also you can use directly from fivefilters.org. Just go to CyberSEO->General settings and put this URL into “Full text extractor URL”: http://ftr.fivefilters.org/makefulltextfeed.php

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