• Resolved gamicord


    Hello Sir,

    I have your Login widget on my website.

    What I don’t understand yet, is how does your plugin handle Password Reset?

    I mean, How do I use your plugin to handle all my Password Reset requests?

    The reason I installed your Essential Addons plugin is because I don’t want my website users to see the WP-Admin and WP-Login.Php Pages.

    Now that your plugin is on my website, how do I use it to handle all my Password Reset requests — in a way that doesn’t ever lead my users back to the WP-Login.Php Page?

    Needing to hear from you soon.


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  • Plugin Support oaurunima


    Hello @gamicord ,

    Hope you’re doing well.

    We can see that you have already reached out to our support team. And since your issue is a bit technical, we have to consult with our dev team regarding this to provide you with a proper solution.
    Our dev team is currently looking into your issue with top priority. We will let you know as soon as we have an update on this.

    Have a nice day.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support oaurunima


    Hello @gamicord,
    Hope you’re doing well.

    Our team has already given you an update regarding your issue. Please check it from your end and confirm with us if it is working properly now. You can also let us know the update and continue further conversations there instead of replying here as well.

    Hope to hear from you soon and have a nice day.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Support AR Rasel


    Hi @gamicord,

    Hope you are doing well.

    We are sorry to inform you that, the way you want to bypass the WP-Login.Php in the Password Reset process and be a standalone process that is handled single-handedly and independently by the Form plugin is unavailable with the EA Login-Regiester widget.

    But I really appreciate your concern and taking this as an improvement suggestion. Hope we may add this feature in future releases. I will definitely notify you when this feature will be released.

    Thanks for your kind understanding and patience!

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