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  • Hello,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    It is just a small effect on the slider, You have to configure the slider and the effect is enabled.

    Let me know if you need further help.


    Thread Starter edouardcoleman


    Thanks for replying. I m not using the slider but only the fixed image. How excactly can I configure it to get the parallax effect?

    Thread Starter edouardcoleman


    Ok I m not sure you got what I mean. I m not speaking about the text effect when the front page appears, but about the image slightly moving when you scroll the page. I tried with the slider but it didn’t work either. I tried to download the theme from WordPress website and but both have fixed image and slider.



    Themeisle Support

    Hey there,

    The Shopisle theme has no Paprallax effect on image header.
    You can try to check our other theme’s which has this kind of feature like Zerif Lite.

    Hope it helps.

    Thread Starter edouardcoleman


    purplecodes I m not interested of changing theme.

    The weird thing is we can see it s working with the slider on the video above , but not on the demo of the creators website :

    Hey there,

    That video wasn’t made by us so we can’t be sure how the person got that to work but it’s not a feature we have in our theme. Hope you understand.

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