• The free NextGen Gallery is nice, because it’s free, what can one expect, hence one extra review star.

    But my recommendation for their commercial add-ons: do NOT buy the Plus, Pro or Enterprise version!
    They are buggy, have just a couple of upgrades each year and you’ll have to pay a high yearly fee to even be able to contact their ‘support’ and then to get their own bugs fixed (basically at your own expense) …

    Very disappointing because it really is a nice gallery to begin with.

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  • Plugin Support Jaime Segura


    Hello @webber2012,

    Thanks for your kind words on our free plugin. That being said, we feel this review is a bit unfair.

    We try to keep our plugins stable. It is not possible to tackle every single hosting service or server configuration, there also have been quite some shakedowns in the WordPress ecosystem in the past months, and many other plugins and themes are still fixing issues.

    We have already had six releases for the free and the paid version of Nextgen Gallery this year (so far, more coming). https://www.imagely.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/changelog/

    You pay for a subscription that includes more features and support. That is just the way many WordPress plugins operate; it is only our business model. As of now, you can even keep using the plugins after your subscription ends.

    Bug reports are the process we use to address issues. We need to carefully review the issue, report to the developers, and add the most important ones to the queue to be addressed first, so we, unfortunately, cannot solve everything as fast as we would like to. We are sorry about any inconvenience this might have caused you.

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