• When I select an item from the category filters, the count at the top and the pagination at the bottom doesn’t refresh and reflect the number of products shown. I have to manually refresh the page to get these to change.

    Is there a way to do an ajax refresh when a filter is applied so that the “Showing x – x of XX” and the pages update?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author themifyme


    Thanks reporting this. Will log it for our team to fix.

    Thread Starter skigirl1369


    Thank you.

    Just an information which may help the developer…

    I have one installation where WordPress version is 5.3 & plugin version is 1.2.5 – result count working properly at this site (https://dev.eyecatchergarments.com/products/)

    I have another installation where WordPress version is 5.4 & plugin version is 1.2.6 – result count is not updating at this site (https://scoopandsavenl.com/shop/)

    Both sites are built on Divi theme.

    Hope this information will help solving the issue.

    Thread Starter skigirl1369


    That sounds like i’d need to rollback WordPress and the plugin versions (which isn’t likely going to happen since our maintenance team likes to keep everything up to date).

    Hope the plugin can be made compatible with WordPress 5.4

    I have tested again and found that plugin version 1.2.5 working properly but not 1.2.6 (with WordPress version 5.4). Hope that the issue will be resolved in next release of the plugin.

    I have been debugging the problem now and proposed a solution to the plugin authors here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-with-pagination-26/#post-12719312

    By the way, excellent plugin, but please update this urgently because the latest update broke the functionality for pretty much everyone using it.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter skigirl1369


    Thanks for the work you are doing. I am using Divi on my site and whatever change may have been made for Divi/Elementor still doesn’t work with WP 5.4 (though I am not using Divi builder on my shop page)

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