• When I went to edit the Nature and Landscape page in WordPress it is showing as 5 Wonderful Wildlife Walks in Anglesey post.

    The page is correct on my live site but in WordPress shows the Anglesey post, so I can’t edit the page.

    The Anglesey post is also showing up as pages on WordPress but the pages are showing as normal on the site.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter mrwales


    I have tried rolling back the latest WordPress update and nothing has changed – all my pages at the backend are showing as posts, but still read, look and indexed as pages. It’s really odd……The posts in the backend are still posts…

    Have you checked for plugin conflicts? To do this, disable all plugins on your site. If the issue disappears, re-enable plugins one by one while monitoring the pages to identify the culprit.

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