• Resolved mrrickert


    Hello! I’m new here.. and have no idea what I am doing half the time. So bear with me when I ask silly questions that probably have easy answers to them… with that said, the question I have is regarding pages with the theme Shop Isle and how they show up in the header along the top of every page.
    Is there a way to have only certain pages appear? That way I could make a page that is not visible along the top of every page but only until you find a link to it somewhere else. If that makes sense. Like a sub page but not a post.

    Like I said its probably an easy fix that I have no clue about. I’ve been looking forever online and trying to figure it out myself with no luck. I want to make pages but not have them all visible on the front page.. but still visible if I want to link to it from another page.
    If this is a Pro feature I wasn’t able to find it there either.. if it is though that would certainly entice me to get it.
    Thanks in advance for anyone who knows what to do! 🙂

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by mrrickert.
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  • Thread Starter mrrickert


    Well I found a way around it. I don’t like the work around but it will work if I just make private pages and edit out the “Private:” in front of every page I dont want on the front page.

    Just in case anyone else has this issue that is one way. Still open to ideas of how to just make the page not appear on the top header.

    If you mean “menu” when you say “header” it may simply be a setting in your MENU tab in your WP dashboard.

    Go to Menus (to the EDIT MENUS tab) and near the bottom of that screen is a checkbox:
    “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” Make sure it is NOT checked, or every page you create is automatically added to your menu. When de-selected, pages don’t show in your menu unless you put them there manually.

    Thread Starter mrrickert


    Thanks for the reply. I tried what you said and that box was unchecked. The “menu” I am describing is also not in my menu dashboard page. It’s not a menu that I created. Its a menu displayed at the top of the page “header” I cannot edit the links that are put up there. It just puts any pages that are publicly created in the page order by default. I’m assuming its just a code in the theme but I’m not savvy enough to edit code. I’ve looked around quite a bit.
    This is my website. I’ll try to explain it a little better..

    At the top of the page. See it says ‘Home’ ‘Posts’ ‘Photography’ etc..
    That was just how the theme was designed. I have no way to edit what goes there. The work around I described works well enough as private pages aren’t displayed. But I dont want them to be private pages….. I can’t seem to find an alternative way.

    Let me know what you think!

    Edit: I totally figured out how. You were right with the menu. I just had to create a menu and use it as the primary menu to kind of “overwrite” the existing default primary that I was unable to edit. It’s totally working now! I feel like such a lame but thank you so much for your help!!!!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by mrrickert.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by mrrickert.


    Thanks for contacting us.

    I am glad to know that you have fixed the issue 🙂

    Let me know if you need help with anything else.


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