• I’ve tried every known major caching plugin throughout the years (free and paid), and Powered Cache is exceptional. It’s now my go-to caching plugin.

    The default settings alone are enough to ramp page speeds up high. Lighthouse tests are pushing 99-100% in performance metrics.

    The built-in CDN functionality allowed me to ditch my custom setup or to avoid installing a second CDN-onlyy plugin. The CDN functionality runs across the entire rendered page, and not just on inner content and excerpts.

    Once again, the defaults are smart. It knows to CDN absolute and relative path URLs for images, css, js, and pdfs, but smartly excludes php, xml, and json extensions.

    The interface is elegant and thoughtful. It’s not plagued with optionitis, where it bombards you with a messy configuration to make itself seem sophisticated. Every option presented make sense and has a real world purpose. And what this plugin is capable of is very comprehensive.

    It even has an area when you can specify prefetch-dns and preconnect URLs. That’s a third plugin you don’t need that’s built into Powered Cache.

    And last is the fantastic, blazing fast support. I reported two very edge case bugs and one suggestion/feature request. All problems were responded to and resolved with an official plugin update within 24 hours.

    Compare that to other abandoned, tumbleweed plugin support forums that wait days, weeks, or never to get a response.

    This is a tremendous caching plugin that puts other similar, more bloated plugins to shame.

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  • Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hi @jumbo,

    Thank you for your fantastic review of Powered Cache! We’re delighted to hear about your positive experience and appreciate your detailed feedback. Your support motivates us to keep improving. If you need any assistance or have further suggestions, we’re always here to help.

    Best regards,

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