• Hello,

    I am building a new website and have been using version 6.2.2 of wordpress. The issue I am having is when I go to apply a premade page template (Front Page, Single Post etc.) to a page in the quick edit, or the full edit page window in the summary menu, it only shows one or two options of the 10 or so premade templates. I had been customizing a theme I downloaded through a third party and uploaded through ‘upload theme’ initially, that theme also had its own plug-in. After playing with that theme a bit I decided I actually wanted to go back to one of the simpler themes provided by wordpress from their selection. I switched to a theme provided by wordpress and deleted the third party theme from the theme editor dashboard and their plug-in. I customized the ‘Home’ page for the new theme in the template editor and when I went to apply it to my ‘Front Page’ in the pages menu, the template is not available for selection, only two template options show up ‘Blog’ and ‘Blank’. I switched back to the twenty twenty-three theme to check if it was a theme specific issue. Even in the twenty twenty-three theme I still have the same issue. When I go to select a page template for any of my pages, the only options that show up are ‘Blog (Alternative)’ and ‘Blank’. None of the other page templates show up in either the quick edit window or the full page edit screen. Let me know if you’ve had this issue before and what steps to take to correct it.


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