• Resolved wond3r


    Hallo, when the Independent Analytics Plugin is active,
    the Product page in wp-admin has a size problem.

    With activated Plugin it looks like this:

    When the Independet Analytics pplugin is deavtivated, it looks as it should:

    I hope you can fix that in the next update 🙂

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for using Independent Analytics!

    Can you check if you are running the latest version (2.6.2)? We fixed this issue a few updates back, so it may get resolved by updating.

    If that’s not the case, could you let me know which plugins are installed that are adding columns into the Products menu? There may be a conflict between our plugin and another one on the site.

    As an immediate solution, it is possible to hide the Views column added by Independent Analytics, and that will likely fix the layout issue you’re seeing: https://d.pr/i/Dbx5gE

    Thread Starter wond3r


    Hello, i have the latest version.
    I recognize, when i disbale “SEO-Details” from Rank Math SEO Plugin, everything looks fine.

    Plugin Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for letting me know! I can recreate the same issue now. We will get this fixed in the next update.

    Ya, that happens when you have too many admin columns enabled. I usually have to go through and customize the screen options on all posts/pages/media etc… for sites with a lot of plugins.

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