• Resolved beinyoga


    Hello dears!

    I have installed SEO Premium today and worked to improve the SEO title of one particular page in the backend. When I tried to open that page with Divi again, I did not find the content anymore. It was gone! I dont know what I have done wrong, I did not delete anything, but my entire page is empty now. What could be the reason for that?

    Thank you for your support!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey @beinyoga – Let’s try to troubleshoot and hopefully recover your content.
    *If you havent done some of these steps yet

    1. Check Revisions:
      • WordPress saves revisions of your pages. Go to Pages > All Pages and find the page in question.
      • Click Edit and then look for the Revisions section on the right side. Click Browse to see if you can find an earlier version of your content.
    2. Check the Trash:
      • Navigate to Pages > All Pages.
      • Click on the Trash tab. If your page is there, hover over it and click Restore.
    3. Divi Builder Safe Mode:
      • Sometimes, plugins can conflict with the Divi Builder. Try enabling Divi’s Safe Mode:
        • Go to Divi > Support Center.
        • Enable Safe Mode and then try editing your page again.
    4. Conflict with SEO Plugin:
      • The new SEO plugin might be causing a conflict. Temporarily disable the SEO plugin:
        • Go to Plugins and deactivate the SEO plugin.
        • Check if your content reappears in the Divi Builder.
    5. Backup and Restore:
      • If you have a backup plugin or your hosting provider offers backups, restore your website to a point before the issue occurred.
    6. Divi Theme Builder:
      • If you used the Divi Theme Builder to create your page, go to Divi > Theme Builder and check if the template for your page is still intact.

    If these steps don’t resolve the issue, you might need to contact your hosting provider for further assistance, or reach out to the support teams for Divi or the SEO plugin. They might have more specific insights into compatibility issues.

    Thread Starter beinyoga


    Thank you so much Angelle! I could restore it with revisions.

    yay! Glad to help 🙂

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