• Resolved solsal



    I have three almost identical web site running the OSM plugin to display OpenSeaMap with KML files. Two are for test only, one is on-line. All of them stopped displaying the map today. Nothing has been modified and nothing has been copied between web site. On March, 26 the page on the on-line version was working. Is there a debug mode I could activate to try to figure out what is happening ?


    Short code:

    [osm_map_v3 map_center=”autolat,autolon” zoom=”autozoom” width=”100%” height=”450″ file_list=”../../../../wp-content/uploads/GIS/Trace Saison 2022.kml” file_color_list=”blue” control=”fullscreen,scaleline” map_border=”thin solid blue” file_title=”KML” tagged_type=”post” marker_name=”mic_green_pinother_02.png” tagged_filter=”Errances 2022″ type=”OpenSeaMap” mwz=”true”]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter solsal


    Additional information that might give a clue. Displaying the page with the browser console active (inspect), I got the following error message:

    (index):509 Uncaught ReferenceError: getTileLayer is not defined at (index):509:22

    I have reinstalled the plugin but the error is persisting.

    Thread Starter solsal


    Quick update. after several tests, I discovered that the latest version of coblocks 3.0.1 is creating the problem. The very recent fix 3.0.2 is correcting the problem.

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